Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The other night I was putting little man to bed and I asked him if he would say the prayer. He said that Heavenly Father would think that he was silly. I told him that Heavenly Father already knew his momma was crazy so it was ok if he was alittle silly, but it did not comfort him. What do we hold back on asking for or talking to our Father in Heaven for because we think its silly?
There are some times when my brain is so fried that I just say..... please understand the things that are hard to put into words right now because my head cannot wrap it around my heart.... and amazingly I feel at peace. These things may seem different but I think that there may be similarities too.
We are not going to be able to get a good relationship if we don't open the lines of communication through prayer and we also need to read our scriptures to receive the inspiration to know the answers. We also need to trust that our Heavenly Father loves us no matter what and we can trust in Him our thoughts, desires, needs, wants and have a conversation with him as we have with our own father here on earth. I am thankful that we can have our own prayers and I hope that we can be comfortable enough to pray without fear for the things that we feel that we want/need/desire in our lives.

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